Embrace Foundation is a non-profit, educational
foundation set up to create better understanding
between people of different religions, cultures,
traditions and world philosophies.
Embrace Foundation works to bring leaders and
scholars of world-wide religions, cultures and
philosophies together by sponsoring forums,
seminars, lectures and developing an international
exchange program. Embrace Foundation is
particularly concerned with reaching the world
public through the media.
The Embrace Foundation Gallery of Sacred
Places is website of sacred locations,
architecture and pilgrimage places around the
world. All people are welcomed to download from
a computer with a color printer and make copies
of any photo or photos special to them.This
gallery which is also a registry is a means of
keeping a record of locations that humanity finds
inspiring and precious.
Embrace encourages all who can do so, to learn
about other traditions and cultures by traveling as
“Grassroots Diplomats.” We hope that people
every where become life long students of our
world-wide humanity.
“ In every man there is something wherein I may
learn of him, and in that I am his pupil.”
The Essence of Shinto
by Motohisa Yamakage, 79th Grand Master of Yamakage Shinto
Grand Master Motihasa of the Yamakage Shinto tradition reveals the natural uniqueness of the Japanese original religion.
Without a founder, doctrines, idols, precepts and organization, Shinto teaches how to know the Spirit of Kami (Universal
Spirit) through purity of body and mind. The door is open to everyone, without exception, providing a universal meaning of life
and a practical way to live. The Grand Master's writings on the basic principles of Shinto with its all inclusive approach is very
commendable. Anyone, who wishes to approach the Shinto religion will greatly benefit from this book.
Dreaming The Council Ways
by Ohky Simine Forest
Ohky combines in this book three ancient wisdoms of original people; the Mayans, the Mohawk and the Mongolian Shamanic
traditions. She describes the tradtions through history, philosophy and mystic paths in a manner that is unique and shows the
deeper meaning of life lived and practicied by the Shamans. The achivement of inner peace and harmony through
appreciation and repect towards natural world is very refreshing. We look at the Great Spirit through our eyes as the world,
we are not the controllers of the natural world but a part of it. - These are some of the deep thoughts expressed through the
Shamans of ancient and modern times. An excellent book on Original American Shamanism by a Shaman.
These Are The Words
A Vocabulary of Jewish Spiritual Life
Arthur Green
This insightful book has been written primarily for people in the Jewish community, but we would argue that the concepts
delineating the inner meaning of the most sacred Hebrew words offer fresh insight into the concept of the “Divine” along
spiritually inclusive lines of contemplation. As Judaism developed over the centuries the Jewish perspective of the “Divine”
was expanded, modified and refined. Rabbi Arthur Green has written with a heartfelt love of the “Divine” and of language
which transcends being defined as only “Jewish.”
From the point of view of the Hebrew language itself, some of the words as well as their meaning, were so similar to Arabic
counterparts we thought (as many of Embrace’s own Rabies have) that Jewish mystics and Islamic mystics have more in
common with one another than they have with people of their own tradition who are not inclined towards spiritual
introspection. Anyone that has read “The Most Beautiful Names” by Turkish Sufi, Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al-Haveti will
understand what we mean.
Of the three first names of the “Divine” listed in the book as: YHWH, ATAH and EYN SOF, we wish to note here the touching
description of ATAH because we believe it offers a unique practice that all human beings can benefit from.
According to Rabbi Green, ATAH means the YOU used to address the “Divine” in either supplication or prayer. We however,
think that ATAH offers an opportunity for a most meaningful spiritual practice for all people.
If every person when addressing another individual as YOU considered that they were actually addressing the “Divine,” each
of us would look at every person we addressed as YOU with completely new eyes. We might eventually be able to look at
every person, even our enemy, as a part of the “Divine.” This is what we have always been told the Saints, Messiahs,
Bodhisattvas, Avatars and Mystics have always done.
We recommend this book to any and all spiritual seekers.